- Press & Contact
Press release:
If you work in the media and you want more information, please email press@hyperionshow.co.uk
Articles & Interviews:
- The Scotsman Theatre review: Hyperion 28/6/14
- BBC Radio Scotland interview on The Culture Studio with Janice Forsyth (1hr 37mins into the programme) 18/6/14
- Scotland on Sunday article: “Romanian immigrant’s play bridges cultural gap” 22/6/14
- Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra article: “Govanhill’s latest stage show reaches for the stars” 22/6/14
- Hyperion in the Romanian press: ‘Luceafarul pe ritmuri de hip-hop la Glasgow’ 22/6/14
- A Romanian news website: O româncă „rearanjează” Luceafărul lui Eminescu pe gustul scoțienilor 23/6/14
- More Romanian news coverage: O romanca din Scotia a scris o adaptare a poemului Luceafarul 26/6/14
If you are generally interested in the show you can find out more via Social Media
Or you can email us: info@hyperionshow.co.uk
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